Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Halloween and Thanksgiving

Emmett coming home from school...notice his backpack laying on the driveway. We went trick or treating with our neighbors Jack and Molly Wolfe. In case you don't recognize him in his costume he is the lollipop princess (ok just kidding he is the ninja)...Trick or Treat
Emmett loves the pulled pork sandwiches his Papa makes on the Traeger. I think he might have eaten this whole pile.

Tae Kwan Do has been really fun for Emmett. He works really hard to get stickers added to his belt.
This picture (I realize is not very good) was taken of Emmett and Jack in their matching "Angry Birds" pajama's. They loved getting to know each other and played a lot of super hero video games together.
Isaac, Heather and Kaitlin preparing our wonderful Thanksgiving feast. It was awesome.
Emmett trying to catch anything that is alive while at Show Low lake. The lake is about 2 blocks away from Isaac and Heather's house. It was a beautiful Thanksgiving day.
Finding fossils and artifacts at the canyons in Snowflake Arizona. These cliffs are covered with petroglyphs from the ancient Anasazi, Hopi and Pueblo Indians.

Isaac and Emmett having fun together shooting guns...he is actually a great shot just like his dad.
Happy boy getting his haircut by his talented mother-in-law. So glad she knows how to cut hair.